Friday, August 17, 2012

MTC week 2

So I have had a blast this week. I taught some more people including Migel again. Migel was fun to teach because we were led by the spirit once again. This time we were going to teach about i think lesson 2 which is thte plan of salvation. but instead we asked him if he read the Book of Mormon like he committed to and he said he didn't really have time. So Elder Barney (EB) and I scrapped our lesson and turned to 2 Nephi 31 and read the entire chapter with him. This chapter explains the gospel of Christ. faith of Jesus Christ, repentance, Baptism, Recieving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end....sorry for grammer I don't have time to check it. But as we went thorugh the chapter we asked many questions that had him think and learn and essentially teach him self about repentance and the importance of baptism. I really like the verse that say something like if christ got baptized how much more do we need to get baptized...the key that we also explained is that we must get baptized by someone holding the power and authority of God. He understood it and i feel that he came closer to Christ.
We also taught another investigator by the name of Kristen. We have taught her 3 times and infortuanly the first two times did not go well. I prayed and decided that they did not go well because I did not care as much as i should have. So as EB and I planned the third lesson, we put all of our heart and soul into planning it. We planned this 25 min lesson in 2 hours. We worked hard and we role played a ton. When it came to teach her, I had as much enthusiams as I could. Pres. Monson once said that the only thing more contagious then enthusiasm is not having it. So I took that to heart. Its kinda funny that after 2 hrs of planning the lesson, EB and I read through 2 nephi 31 again. she didn't understand baptism and she didn't like how she was baptized as a infant into the catholic church. She wanted to remeber it. so we read 2 nephi 31 and Moroni 7. And BAM!! we got her and the spirit was so strong. I loved it so much. But once again we planned a lesson and didn't teach it.
So after being in the MTC for about 2 weeks, EB and I work so well together. We know what scriptures we will pull up for a certain topic and we know when we can start teaching. this is the holy ghost telling us what to say. I think I said this last time but I want to say it again. I dont teach anything. the Holy Ghost teaches everything. DC 42:14ish says that without the spirit you shall not teach. I truly believe this now with all my heart.
So in personal study time I decided to study the apostacy because I dont understand it as much as I would like to. there are actually 3 scriptures in the bible that talk about a apostacy. The best is Acts 20 towards the end of the chapter. Christ is speaking and essentialyl says that after he dies, there will be a loss of his doctrine. In Amos 8 there is also a scripture that talks about a famine, not of hunger or of thirst but of the words of Christ. We have used this twice in some lessons that we teach to investigators to help them understand that after all 12 apostles die there went the lords work. There was still some of the Gospel, but the Fullness was taken from the earth. I use Zak as a analogy. Melissa gives her iphone to Zak and he treats it softly and plays some games, but when he starts disressecting it and throwing it across the room, she takes it from him. Melissa is like Heavenly Father and gives her Iphone or the gospel to people, but once they start to kill the prophets and starts to disrespect it He takes it from them. Its a pretty easy way to teach people about the gospel.
SO I have gone to the temple 2 times since I have been there. both times at 630 in the morning on P-day (today) and my favorite thing to do during my gym time is volleyball or lift wieghts with another person in my district...oh so my district is awsome. we have 5 people going to little rock and the other 4 are going to Calgary cananda!!!! going up to dylans mission!!!! I'm so stoked for them. I worte dylan today to tell him. Hopefully they will be able to serve together sometime during their missions. I also got my travel itinerary for going to little rock. somebody is getting us up at 4 in the morning next tuesday. and the same person is having us fly to atlanta georgia then to little rock. for those of you lacking on US geography. go look at a map. We essentially fly over Little Rock. But I am so ready to get out into the real world.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

First week in the MTC

Dear all,
OH MAN!!! The first week has been crazy! I have had so much fun and the days have been going by sooooo quick. Before I realized it, it was fast sunday which was probably the slowest day because we didn't have classes. The classes are my favorite part of the MTC. 

My teachers are amazing. Br. Starky is a skinny redhead who went to Anchorage, Alaska Spanish speaking. He is so strong spritually. He has taught my district so much. Oh I love my companion, Elder Barney. He is from Grand Junction, Colorado. He probably paid a lot more attention in seminary then me because he has alot more scriptures down then me. I am definitely a bit still slow with pulling up scriptures are the right time. But if I study well and effectivly I know the Holy Ghost will bring those things to remembrance as said in DC 84:85. Because if this, I know that I do not teach anything really. If I do my part and invite the spirit, the spirit will teach through me. We have been taugh so many things in class. My favorite part is teaching the investigators. The investigators are actors based on real investigators. Br. Starky pretended to be a 65 year old man named Migel. This man has been married for many years and has 2 kids. He has seen the missionaries for 6 years and nothing has happened. So Elder Barney and I started off teaching lesson one. And it went downhill from there. We asked the normal questions such as do you believe in God and such. Then when we reached eternal families he said that he did not want to be with his family forever. And I just stared at him and didn't know what to say. This is where the Spirit comes into play. We continued with the lesson because we didn't really have anything else to do. My companion took over while I was troubled because of his answer about eternal families. While my companion was teaching, I was getting hit about the head by the Spirit telling me to stop and go back and press him more about eternal families. So I stopped the lession, apologized to my companion becasue he had a very troubled look on his face and I looked at "Migel" and asked him why he did not want to be sealed to his family for life and all eternity. He looked at me and said that he did not want to drag his wife (who is a memeber and excellent active memeber of the church) down. His kids are not good and are rather rebellious at age 26 and 29. With that the flood gates of the scriptures and the spirit opened up. Elder Barney and I tag teamed him and pulled scriptues such as DC 132 which talks about eternal marriage and the blessings achieved from it, you will obtain principalities, kingdoms ext. Migel still said that even with his wife being active and good his kids have still not become good people. Elder Barney took him with a strong right hook saying, "If I may be so bold. Maybe its not them that need to change first, its you." He looked at us and didn't know what to say. I finally knocked him out with the famous malachi scipture found in 3 Nephi 25:6. "The hearts of the Fathers will turn to the children and the hearts of the children will turn to the Father..." BOOOM!!! he didn't really know what to say. Now here is key part. Br. Starky has taught us to be bold. Ask if they are willing to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by one holding the Priesthood Authority at the end of the first lesson. Elder Barney asked and I bore testimony that as he changes his children will see the change and follow the fatherfigure in their family. Well, he accepted and we will be teaching him more this coming week. After the lesson Elder Barney looked at me and gave me a bear hug. He thanked me for following the Spirit and backtracking to ask more about his family. That experiance taught me as that really without relying on Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost I can really not teach. Theres a scripture that says, "Without me, ye can do nothing." I testify that this is the truth. Such a crazy experience. Something that I needed in my first week. I love my companion so much. I love all of you guys. Be safe and I'll email again in a week
Elder Clason.

Monday, July 30, 2012

2 DAYS!!

Well its official, I have been set apart as a Elder for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I was set apart yesterday, July 29, 2012. It was a amazing feeling. It was undescribable. I think that when I got set apart yesterday that it finally hit me that I am serving a mission. It hadn't really hit me even as I gave my farewell talk. But now I am almost to the MTC! I have wanted to serve a mission for as long as I can remeber and it is finally here. I am packed in two suitcases, both are right at 45 pounds. I didn't think I could pack for two years in two suitcases, but apparently its possible. Tomorrow my dad and I are on our way to Provo to drop me off Wednesday August 1st. So Stoked. My sister will keep this updated and I will post again in 2 years.